Welcome to the

International Union of Crystallography

The IUCr is an International Scientific Union. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of crystallographic research, to facilitate standardization of methods, units, nomenclatures and symbols, and to form a focus for the relations of crystallography to other sciences.


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IUCr Main Editor appointments

The IUCr are pleased to announce the following new editor appointments.

Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications appoints Professors Elena Boldyreva and Chiara Massera

Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications appoints Dr Mark van Raaij

Journal of Applied Crystallography appoints Professor Garry McIntyre


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IUCr Associates Programme


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Special issue on halogen bonding

On this occasion we would like to thank all authors for their excellent contributions.

Mate Erdelyi and Pierangelo Metrangolo
Guest editors

research news

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A large-solid-angle X-ray Raman scattering spectrometer

vv5158S. Huotari and co-workers [J. Synchrotron. Rad. (2017), 24, 521-530] describe an end-station for X-ray Raman spectroscopy at beamline ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The end-station is dedicated to the study of shallow core electronic excitations using non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering.


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For enquiries on this volume, especially from potential authors regarding proposed paper content, please feel free to contact Dimitri Argyriou (Dating a former addict.

research news

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In-cell NMR: a topical review